On Wednesday 6th Sept 2017 the South Newington Parish Council convened an extraordinary PC meeting to discuss the proposed introduction of a weight limit for traffic travelling through Burford, with new signage being introduced to divert traffic along alternate routes. At the meeting a representative from Burford Town Council spoke and presented output from traffic surveys which have been conducted, to encourage us to support this endeavour.
The statistics presented did suggest a reduction in HGV traffic coming through our village would result from this change, but it was unclear by what extent.
The South Newington PC will be supporting the Burford weight limit initiative and are seeking extra time to compile a full response.
Details of this consultation with OCC can be found by following the link attached. Please review the OCC page where you have an opportunity to make your own comments on the matter.
Response from South Newington Parish Council:-
“South Newington Parish Council (SNPC) would like to respond to the consultation for the proposed above changes. SNPC strongly supports the proposals, as the reduction in HGV traffic through Burford will not only protect the historic streets of this medieval town, but should reduce the traffic flows of HGVs to surrounding towns and villages, including South Newington, a Conservation Area. We would ask that new signage directing HGVs to Banbury on the A40 are placed on the A361/A40 roundabout to the south of the town centre. This would ensure that HGV traffic use the recommended route on the Oxfordshire Freight Gateway website, which is via the A40, A34 and M40.”
South Newington Parish Council