The District Council’s head office is at
Bodicote House,
OX15 4AA.
Departmental telephone numbers are:
General enquiries and other services not listed below – 01295 227001
Council tax and business rates – 01295 227000
Election services – 01295 227005
Environmental services: pest control, abandoned vehicles, dog warden, anti-social behaviour, pollution including noise, food safety, workplace health and safety – 01295 227990
Housing and council tax benefit – 01295 227002
Housing services: housing needs, homelessness, housing standards and housing grants – 01295 753751
Planning and building control – 01295 227006
Waste, recycling and street cleaning – 01295 227003
Queries can also be emailed to: [email protected]
The council website is:
Waste Collection: Cherwell District Council (CDC) collect refuse every Thursday. General household waste (green bin) is collected one week and recyclable items (blue bin) and garden and food waste (brown bin) the alternate week. For information or to order new or replacement bins contact CDC on 01295 227003.
Collection of old fridges/bulky waste: Contact Cherwell District Council
Dog Registration Scheme: Cherwell District Council offers a free registration for your dog and free dog waste bags. Telephone the Dog Warden on 01295 227007 for registration or other dog related issues. Out of hours contact number: 01295 221531 Emergencies and strays only.