At the Parish Council meeting of 27th September 2016 the content and aims of the village website and village eMails were discussed. It was agreed the purpose of the website is:
- To provide a source of information which meets the needs of the village.
- Encourages interest in local activities including the work of the Parish Council.
- For the Parish Council to meet their statutory obligations in putting agendas, minutes, documents and financial information on the website.
If you have any questions, suggestions or contributions for the web site please contact a member of the Parish Council or Sue Robertson ([email protected])
Please note that due to a recent email security update by BT, residents on the village email list who have a BT email account might not receive village emails. This is because BT are classifying them as SPAM and they are not being delivered to your BT email account.
To ensure you continue to received village emails please make the email address below is marked as a “Safe Sender” in your BT email account.
To ensure that you receive village emails you need to carry out one of the following two options.
Option 1
If you still have an email from [email protected] in your inbox or a storage folder, do the following:
- Click on the message, but do not open it (i.e. highlight it)
- Click the ‘More’ tab on the right side of the dropdown menu bar below the blue band
- Select ‘SAFE SENDER’, and this should set the system so that emails from [email protected] arrive in you Inbox
Option 2
If you have not saved previous emails for [email protected] carry out the following steps:
- Click the arrow symbol next to your email address on the right side of the blue band. This will open a dropdown list.
- Click ‘Settings’ in the list
- Click ‘Mail’ in the left-hand list
- Click ‘Safe Sender’ in the dropdown list
- Type [email protected] into the box by ‘Email’
- Click ‘+Add’
The [email protected] will be shown as a ‘Safe Sender’ address and you should now receive the emails for this address.