If You Are A Dog Owner – Please Clean Up After Your Dog

We have received a complaint from a concerned villager regarding the increased instances of dog fouling around the village.  Areas mentioned were outside the Village Hall where the school buses pick up / drop off and children need to wait. Also the public footpath across the field off Sands Lane (where we have incidentally sited a dog bin).


From Cherwell District Council Website – “If you allow a dog in your charge to foul any area to which the public has access you are committing an offence. The penalty for not clearing up dog fouling can be up to £1000 if the case is dealt with by the magistrates courts, or £50 if the owner is given a fixed penalty notice.


We have recently installed dog bins in the village and dog poop bags are also available in the village free of charge.  They can be picked up from a box sited outside The Old Forge on Moor Lane.

Let’s be vigilant to keep our village a beautiful place to live and explore.

Thank you.

Church Illumination

The church floodlighting has been repaired. There is an opportunity for anyone to sponsor the illumination to celebrate a birthday, wedding or anniversary or to remember a loved one. A donation of £10 will light the church for a week. 

Please let me have your dedications before 1st of each month. Each month’s dedications will be displayed on the noticeboard, the website and will be circulated to the village email list.

You can pay by bank transfer to Sort Code 40 09 02, Account Number 31812556 or in cash to Gill Brounger (Newton Cottage, Green Lane).

Thank you to those who have kindly made dedications in the last quarter.

 Paula Staples

New Pictures In the Gallery

We have added some new pictures to the gallery for you enjoyment.  The pictures have been kindly provided by Rob Lawrence from the Clarion Concert and Singing for Syria which took place earlier in the year.  We have also added pictures from the South Newington Flower Show, which was held last month.

 Click to view.


On Wednesday 6th Sept 2017 the South Newington Parish Council convened an extraordinary PC meeting to discuss the proposed introduction of a weight limit for traffic travelling through Burford, with new signage being introduced to divert traffic along alternate routes.  At the meeting a representative from Burford Town Council spoke and presented output from traffic surveys which have been conducted, to encourage us to support this endeavour.   

The statistics presented did suggest a reduction in HGV traffic coming through our village would result from this change, but it was unclear by what extent.

The South Newington PC will be supporting the Burford weight limit initiative and are seeking extra time to compile a full response.  

Details of this consultation with OCC can be found by following the link attached.  Please review the OCC page where you have an opportunity to make your own comments on the matter.


Response from South Newington Parish Council:-

“South Newington Parish Council (SNPC) would like to respond to the consultation for the proposed above changes.  SNPC strongly supports the proposals, as the reduction in HGV traffic through Burford will not only protect the historic streets of this medieval town, but should reduce the traffic flows of HGVs to surrounding towns and villages, including South Newington, a Conservation Area.  We would ask that new signage directing HGVs to Banbury on the A40 are placed on the A361/A40 roundabout to the south of the town centre.  This would ensure that HGV traffic use the recommended route on the Oxfordshire Freight Gateway website, which is via the A40, A34 and M40.”

South Newington Parish Council

South Newington Flower and Produce Show – Thank You

Poster for Flower and Produce Show

On behalf of the Flower Show Committee I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who worked hard to put on the Show this weekend.

There would be no show without Advertisers, Sign-writers, Exhibitors, Bakers, Judges’ Hosts, Stallholders, Announcers, Auctioneers, Attendees, those who donated items and those who helped with the set up or take down. Thank you also to those who shared their Art or their Schooldays!

I do hope that you had an enjoyable day at the show. 

I’d also like to sincerely thank the members of the Committee for their help and support we prepared and planned the show.  

The Committee meet soon to wrap up the 2017  show.  I would be pleased to hear any suggestions which we can discuss for 2018.

With many thanks

Paula Staples

The South Newington Occasional Singers

Photograph of Banbury Occasional Singers, standing together in a church


The South Newington Occasional Singers new singers always  welcome! 

We meet on Saturday morning in South Newington village hall from 10.30 – 12.00 with a short coffee break.

The next public performance is likely to be Sat 22nd July at an all day festival taking place in Milcombe in aid of Macmillan.

A361 Working Group

At the South Newington Parish Council meeting held on 24th Jan 2017, Cllr Brown informed the meeting via his emailed report there was to be an initial meeting of the A361 White fence with sign reading Working Group and at some stage they will be seeking the input of the South Newington residents and Parish Council.

An article has been published in the Bloxham Broadsheet on this matter, which may be of interest to many villagers.

Click here to view article.