Please see link below to download details of people noominated to stand in Parish Council Elections 2023
South Newington PC Statement of Persons Nominated 2023
Please see link below to download details of people noominated to stand in Parish Council Elections 2023
South Newington PC Statement of Persons Nominated 2023
BBQ and Stalls from 1pm, Show Marquee opens at 1.30pm
Everything you love about the Flower Show will be there:
– Flower & Produce
– Tea and cakes
– Dog show
– Brass band
– Bottle stall
– Raffle – lots of lovely prizes and a special charity raffle where you can win a Dubarry voucher.
On-line entries via website – deadline for on-line entries – 6pm Tuesday 2nd August.
Registration evening – Thursday 4th August 6 – 8pm in the Village Hall – this is last chance to submit your entries.
All entries must be in the show tent by 10am on the morning of the show.
Heaviest spuds – bring the pot to the show tent by 10am on the morning of the show where the judge will weigh the crop.
Tallest sunflower competion – flowers will be measured in situ.
The Flower Show Committee
Amanda Blythe-Smith, Miles Colegrave, James Durley, Graham Fewster, Becky Harden, Penny at the Duck on the Pond, Nicky Smith, Julia Streeter.
JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS – Thursday 2nd June to Saturday 4th June 2022
Jubilee celebrations are fast approaching and we hope you will be able to join us in the village to celebrate this wonderful occasion. The main events are the art exhibition in the church, the open gardens on the Friday and the street banquet on the Saturday, including South Newington Ascot races, hat parade, games on the Poleaxe, and pub quiz at the Duck on the Pond.
Lots more details to follow, but in the meantime the programme is attached to give you enough time to create your artwork, sculpture, hats, horses, costumes.
We would like to send some letters to the Queen from the village. If you would like to write one and for us to send it as part of a South Newington group of letters then please do so and leave it in the church porch for me to collect. I will leave some postcard and writing templates in the church porch for any younger members who may wish to have some help and inspiration. The idea is the Queen will then send us a group letter that we could frame and put with the Jubilee photo on the wall in the village hall.
Thank you to all the volunteers who have come forward already, if there is anyone who would like to bake for the teas on Friday afternoon, or wishes to help out in the village hall then that would be much appreciated. We will need as many hands on deck on Saturday morning to set up the tables for the street party between the church and Poleaxe, and of course to hang bunting. We will also need some help at the end of the day to return them. Please let Roz know if you can help [email protected]
Click on link below to open flyer for more information on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events in South Newington
South Newington Flyer for Jubilee celebrations Final-1
An exhibition will be held in the Village Hall on Saturday 6th November and Sunday 7th November between 2pm and 4pm to show the work that has been done on the project to date, the options suggested by the architects , the recommended option and the next steps in the poject.
There will be drawings of the options and a model of the recommended option kindly made by Tim Catton.
You are warmly invited to visit the exhibition, ask questions and to give your views on the proposals.
South Newington Singers gave a resounding performance as part of the Cumnor Music Festival on June 16th June, in a delightful garden opened especially for the occasion.
The day raised money for Breast Cancer Care and Oxenford House Care Home, and we were one of the main groups performing along with a wonderful ukulele band, drama groups, a capella singers and a swing band in the evening
“Joyous and fun, a pleasure to listen to and watch such a happy group” was how one member of the audience described us, and we weren’t even twisting his arm at the time!
If you would like to try singing, please do come along to the village hall on Saturday mornings when we practice with Stuart Dunlop our conductor and Joe Cummings our piano accompanist. Stuart lives in the village and is Musical Director of UEA so we are incredibly lucky to have the benefit of his skill and leadership, and Joe is an accomplished young professional pianist from the Royal Academy of Music. Not bad for our little village eh?
We are now working on music for a special concert in South Newington in November to commemorate 100 years since the end of the WW1. The music we will be performing includes some favourites such as Jerusalem, Breathe Soft Ye Winds and The Long Day Closes.
Any questions about singing please just ask, call Nicky Smith on 07771 785228 or contact Elizabeth Wheeldon.
South Newington Potholes referenced in the Banbury Guardian.
To report a pothole click here