The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the village hall on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 at 7.30pm.
Please click here to view the agenda.
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the village hall on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 at 7.30pm.
Please click here to view the agenda.
The next Parish Council meeting will take place in the village hall on Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 7.30pm.
Please click here to view the agenda.
All parishioners are invited to the Village Hall AGM on 7 March at 7.30pm in the Hall. The agenda includes the finance report for 2023, the Chair’s report, the make-up of the committee and election of Chair and Vice-Chair.
Please do think about joining us and helping to run our beautiful hall which we are so lucky to have. New members are always very welcome!
Village Hall Committee
Here is the agenda for the next Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 23rd January 2024 at 7.30pm.
Please click here.
Here is the agenda for the next Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 28th November at 7.30pm.
Please click here.
Oxfordshire County Council wants to make our built environments safer and more attractive places to walk and cycle. To enable this, 20mph speed restrictions are being used to help promote alternative modes of transport for local travel. Further details on how the council is considering making 20mph the new 30mph for Oxfordshire communities can be found here.
We’re therefore asking for your views on the proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit throughout South Newington, replacing the majority of the existing 30mph speed limit in the process. Sections of existing 30mph speed limit will remain in place at the northern & southern ends of the A361 leading out of the village and on the Wigginton Road, with Officers having taken the current road environment & traffic usage into account.
The proposals are being put forward following road safety concerns raised by the parish, and form part of a countywide programme of works that seeks to deliver ‘a safer place with a safer pace’ for the residents of Oxfordshire. In light of this, please find the following consultation documents attached:
The proposed Traffic Regulation Order is scheduled to be advertised in the Banbury Guardian newspaper today; Thursday 20th July 2023, and details are also available to view on the Councils consultation portal at the address below:
As stated on the notice, any objections or other representations on the proposal should be submitted by Friday 11th August 2023.
Kind Regards,
(Mr) Christian Mauz
Senior Officer (TRO and Schemes)
Email: [email protected]
Network Management|Highways & Operations|Environment & Place
Oxfordshire County Council|County Hall|New Road|Oxford|OX1 1ND
The South Newington Occasional Singers are putting on a summer concert in the garden of the Barn House, Green Lane, conducted by Stuart Dunlop
The performance of songs from our village choir will raise money for the South Newington Village Hall, and the concert will include a short medley of music from the Folky Folk.
Please bring your own blanket or chairs to sit on. You are welcome to bring a picnic.
Tickets £5.00
Date: Sunday 2nd July 6pm
Location: The garden at The Barn House, please use front gate from Green Lane
Performance and picnic : 6pm
Refreshments and seating: Please do bring your own refreshments, blankets or chairs to sit on.
Tickets: £5 entry fee, to raise funds for the village hall upgrades
PLEASE BOOK! We need numbers and food choices to avoid waste.
Email: [email protected] by Friday 2nd June.
Or if you can’t email leave a message on 01295 720096.
Option 1: A bacon or sausage butty, tea/coffee £5
Option 2: Two mini pastries or a croissant and jam, tea/coffee £3
Also: Fruit juice 50p for adults. Free for children.
Vegan and gluten free options available.
Do come even if you haven’t managed to book – we’ll order some extras just in case – and there’s always a cuppa for you!
Just a reminder – This is the start of fundraising for improvements to the hall, mainly to accessibility but also to upgrade kitchen, storage, lighting, insulation and generally make it even more welcoming to all of you
South Newington Requests the Pleasure of Your Company To celebrate the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty Queen Camilla
A bespoke mosaic has been commissioned for South Newington and everyone in the village is invited to come and help make it.
Please come along to either or both workshops in the village hall:
Saturday 22nd April 2 – 6 pm
Saturday 29th April 2 – 6 pm
The mosaic will be 3’ x 3’ in size and mounted in the village when completed. The designer will bring along all the material needed to complete the mosaic, but if you would like to include any pieces of found porcelain or old costume jewellery to use in the mosaic (such as ‘jewels’ for the crown) that would be very welcome and mean that it really does hold South Newington memories.
You or your family could chose to work on one square and draw your own design, or ask Sophie the designer to draw a picture which you work on. Or you could do the lettering, or the Union Jacks, or any part of the picture you like. Sophie will be there to help.
We would like to keep a record of who helped complete the mosaic so that it also becomes a ‘time capsule’ of the village community in 2023.
The mosaic is being commissioned from Sophie Mack Smith of Oxford Mosaics aka ‘Shattered and Smashed’ on Instagram.
The village hall and garden will be laid out for a community tea party and celebration, everyone welcome! Please bring your family and food for a fun and friendly afternoon.
Best decorated coronation hat competition and parade (adults & children)
Musical pass the hat game
Heads & Tails game
Below are documents relating to the Parish Council Elections in May 2023
South Newington PC – Notice of Uncontested Election
Parish Council Elections – Spending Return and Notes
Register of Interests Form Parish Councils